Our section is committed to improving the quality of life for those experiencing sleep disorders through patient care, medical education and research. As part of Washington University School of Medicine, a world-renowned research institution, we are dedicated to expanding the frontiers of sleep medicine through basic and clinical research.
Members of the sleep medicine section actively collaborate with investigators across specialties and institutions on a wide range of research activities into the relationships between sleep, circadian rhythms and all aspects of human health.
Active research projects span basic, translational and clinical science including mechanistic studies, cellular and molecular neuroscience approaches, longitudinal observational studies and clinical trials.
Center on Biological Rhythms and Sleep (COBRAS)
The Center on Biological Rhythms and Sleep (COBRAS) at Washington University connects researchers from diverse specialties and departments who are investigating sleep and circadian rhythms. COBRAS is a platform for researchers to develop new collaborations through working groups, research cores, and consultation. Please see the COBRAS website for more information about the research opportunities in sleep and circadian rhythms at Washington University.